In the Shadow of an Invisible Thread is the first institutional solo exhibition in the United States of work by Martin Soto Climént (b. 1977), a conceptual artist from Mexico City best known for his transformative arrangements of everyday objects. Presenting a newly commissioned installation that fills a large gallery at the Hessel Museum of Art, the exhibition explores how the notion of “intimate revolt”, a term articulated by theorist Julia Kristeva, is fundamental to Soto Climént’s practice. 
This exhibition is a site-specific installation materialized from found objects that Soto Climént collected in the Hudson Valley. These objects are arranged on and around plinths and canvasses that, together, function as architectural display structures that dynamize the exhibition space. Notably, the canvases are not only hung on the wall, but also employed as sculptures: standing within the gallery, they create different spaces and interstices. 

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Where: Hessel Musseum of Art

Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson NY 12504-5000

When: April 7 - May 26, 2019